Its Thursday again and I haven't really posted since last Thursday. I don't have anything fun or exciting to talk about, so I will share my pics for this week. These are from about 3 years ago, when we took a little day trip to Kansas City. It was just one of those perfect days, and I forgot how much fun we had that day until I looked at these pics! Enjoy everyone!
For more info on "A Thousand Words Thursday" go check out Cheaper than Therapy for all the details.
ME!!!! I am the winner of a Snuggie! Earlier this week I entered a giveaway that Sarah at Clover Lanewas having. She would be making the winner a kids sized Sunggie and I won! Noah is so excited he can barely stand it! Go check Sarah out, she has a super cute blog and has mad snuggie sewing skills! Thanks Sarah!
Last night I went to church to start a new bible study. It was Beth Moore's latest study, "Esther, It's Tough Being a Woman." All I have to say is "Oh my goodness!" This will be the 7th Beth Moore bible study that I have taken and I have never, never started the homework the day after I got the book, but this morning, I awoke at 5:30 am, and fixed some coffee and sat down to begin my journey with Miss Beth and Esther. Let me just tell you, God showed up too! For quite sometime, I have been going through a tough season in my life. I have been questioning so many things. But today in the stillness of the morning, God spoke words of hope to my heart. Hope that this season of hurt, trial, and spiritual dryness, is soon coming to an end. And boy am I ready! I am eager to see what He has in store for me, ready to go where He calls me, and needing Him to transform me. To those of you who read this blog and have never taken one of Beth's studies, I urge you to do so, she is amazing. God is using her to better His kingdom!
On an entirely different note, if you are reading this blog for the 1st time or have been here many times, let me know, please leave me a comment! I would love to hear from you!
Tonight we had a parents meeting at Noah's school, which resulted in us getting home late and to top it all off, the meat that I needed for dinner did not get thawed out, so I decided to cook one of the freezer meals that had been thawing out in the fridge. It did not turn out well, it was nasty, so I had a salad, Chad and the boys had leftovers. Fast forward 2 hours, we are watching my new favorite show, Chopped, on Food Network, someone mentions pancakes and I am instantly ravenously hungry for pancakes. I mention this to my darling hubby, and low and sooooooo happy!
I am a bad blogger!It has been a long time since I posted, but in my defense I had a baby 2 weeks ago and have been a little preoccupied!Nevertheless, I need to share our story and pictures of my precious little princess with all my blog buddies!
Things did not go as I planned.
I was scheduled to go into the hospital on Dec 29th, at 4pm to have a planned C-section.I was instructed that I couldn’t eat anything that day after 8 am, so Chad and I planned on getting up at 6am and going out for breakfast to one of our favorite little pancakes places, while my mom and dad stayed home with the kids.We had our family Christmas the day before and had stayed up really late playing UNO Attack with Noah and the grandparents, so I wasn’t fully packed, but I figured I would finish that morning, since we didn’t have to be at the hospital until 2pm.I was having a very hard time sleeping; I kept getting up, going to the bathroom, tossing and turning, checking the clock to see if it was close to pancake time!At 4am I felt a familiar pain, and I hit my husband, and got our of bed, and then “whoooosh” my water broke.Ok, so things were not going the way I had hoped.You see when I had Noah I was so into birth, I labored for a long time, but I was prepared for it, then when Benjamin came around, his C-section was planned, we went in and I never labored or anything.So, when my water broke this time, I was none too pleased, not because I am a big baby or anything like that, I just like to be prepared, and I WAS NOT PREPARED TO HAVE CONTRACTIONS!So, it took about 15 minutes for them to start coming regularly, I tried to remember back 7 years ago when I took Lamaze, I remembered something about breathing, while my husband is snapping a thousand pictures!He was no help at all; every time I needed a hand to squeeze he was taking a picture, seriously!
We got the hospital and they wheeled me in and Ella Noelle Graber was born at 6:15am, she weighed 7lbs 14 oz, and was the prettiest thing ever!With very fat cheeks, I’m afraid she got those from me.I am praying that she doesn’t inherit my big boobs!I wouldn’t wish those on anyone!
We are all home now, I am still recovering, slowly, but doing ok.Ella is beautiful.I am so amazingly blessed.God is such an awesome God, I can’t believe He picked me to be the mom of such precious kids!I never knew how much fun it would be to have a little girl, I never knew I liked pink this much!I feel like I am a little kid again playing with my dolls, except this doll is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!
By the way, my husband was really wonderful, he does take a lot of pictures, which at the time; I was not amusing to me, but I was very thankful for them once it was all over!He is a wonderful man, and is so in love with our little princess!
Ella Noelle Graber right after she was born.With mommy and daddy for the first time!
My little angels. Benjamin and Noah both love her so much already! We put her in this precious dress for her pictures at the hospital. I guess by her hand gestures, she doesn't think it is as fabulous as I do! Ella with her daddy, although you can't see him!