Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow forts are a lot of work.

Yesterday I helped my son build a snow fort.  Scratch that.  Yesterday I built a snow fort while my son and his friend watched, and my hubby took pics.

It was actually a lot of fun and really good exercise.  The boys had fun after it was all done.  Even though Benjamin wasn't out there for any of the building, every time he sees it he says, "Look mama, there's MY snow port!"  My kids crack me up!

By the way, I am done with winter.  Enough is enough, we've sledded, built snow men, snow forts, had plenty of snow ball fights.  We're good.  Bring on the sunshine.  Mother Nature, are you listening????

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Things I learned today.......

They say you learn something new everyday, here are a few of mine for the day.

1. Discovering a new local pizzeria makes me happy.
2. Getting a fore mentioned pizza half off makes me very very happy.
3. Shopping at Walmart while there is a blizzard outside and a gazillion people in said Walmart makes me super grumpy.
4. Making a special trip to Dillons to get strawberries that are on sale, only to discover that they are out due to a problem with the strawberry crop makes me really super duper grumpy.
5. Making crepes for 4 hungry kids and 2 hungry adults takes a long time.
6. Crepes don't go very far when feeding 6 people.
7. Frozen strawberries work just as good as fresh when eating crepes.
8. Nutella is AMAZING.  I think I am in love.  (How sad is it that I am 34 and never tried this wonderful creation, and I call my self a foodie??)
9. When driving in the snow I need my wipers when headed east, but no wipers when headed north.  Weird.
10. Hobby Lobby's home decorating fabric is always 30% off.  How did I not know this??
11. Feeding your kids crepes for dinner at 5:30pm, means that you will be giving them pretzels, cheese, oranges, and a bowl of cereal at 8pm. 

Well, I learned a lot today.  Tomorrow should be interesting.  Here's a picture of my baby just for fun.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sickness, soup, and a sweet sister.

I'm sick.  Really sick.  The kind of sick where I can't move, can't breathe, can't think.  Today its better, a little.  Yesterday I couldn't even get out of bed to care for my children.  It was bad, I called my husband to see if he could home to feed the kids some breakfast.  At this point Noah was eating girl scout cookies and had given his brother a package of fruit treats.  The baby had a tippy cup of milk.  I was not only feeling like crap, but realizing that my nomination for mother of the year was heading down the toilet.  Then, my sweet man called and said that my darling, amazing, selfless sister in law was coming over to help.  I just want to thank the Lord real quick for blessing me with such an amazing sis in my life!  She came, didn't even flinch at the mess of my house, she changed diapers, wiped noses, made lunch and loved on my babies like they were her own, all while I slept in my fever induced delirium.  I can't even begin to tell her how much I appreciate what she did, it is bad enough being sick, but being so sick you can't even care for your own kids is a whole other level. 

Today I was able to make sure my kids were dressed and diapers changed, but that was about it.  My hubby came home and fed them lunch, which was a huge help.  My sweet friend Josie called me today, with a question, only to discover my lowly state.  She offered to bring my family a meal, which was lovely, since I was not even capable of thinking about dinner.  She made us a delicious potato soup and some out of this world, scrumptious scones, that were still warm.  Wowza, they were yummy!  I just wish I felt better, because I would have eaten more!  Thank you so much Josie, you are super sweet for blessing my family with such a delicious meal.  There is nothing more comforting to me when I'm sick than someone nourishing my family. 

All this to say, that God is so good in how He provides.  He revealed Himself today through soup and some super sweet ladies! 


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