An example of how being a mom to boys can be hard sometimes.
One day Noah's teacher walked him to the car with an ice pack on his face, he had fallen off the monkey bars and broke his fall with his face. This was a few days after, it looked much worse.
This one is my favorite. One night, right before dinner, I had just called Noah in to wash his hands when I heard fussing, I went outside to see Noah crying and holding his head. I soon discovered a big gash on his head and lots of blood, we left dinner, literally on the table and headed to the ER. Three hours, $300, and 3 stitches later, we were back home. What happened, you ask? He thought it would be fun to swing on his basketball goal, but we had recently moved and it was not weighted down, so it came crashing down, on his head.
And finally, his first black eye. This happened on Thanksgiving Day, when Noah thought it would be fun to ride the wagon in my father in laws basement. The wagon stopped, Noah didn't, and his eye made serious contact with the wagon handle. Good times. And he's my more careful one. Lord help me, Benjamin is not even two and falls down at least 20 times a day!
To participate in A Thousand Words Thursday, go visit Jen at Cheaper than Therapy.