I do not have a BFF, and I am sad about this. My dear sweet friend Sara was one of the closest friends I have ever had, but 3 years ago she moved, a long, long way away. For those of you who watch Grey's Anatomy, she was my person. It really sucks when your person moves away.
Today I had a very bad day, the kind of day where you need your person. You need them to listen, to be there to give a hug, to make you laugh, to take you to your favorite Thai restaurant, split some condom rolls with you, and talk until your jaw hurts. (Sara, if your reading this, when your back in town, we need to get some condom rolls) For those of you who are totally grossed out, that is just Sara's description for spring rolls, but it makes me laugh, that's why she is my person.
I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself tonight, but I really miss having a BFF.
Sara lacing me up in my wedding dress.

Sara and I

I miss you Sara, can't wait to see you in June!