Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Benjamin Bear is 3!!!!

My sweet Benjamin is 3 years old, I can hardly believe it.  May 30th came on a Sunday this year, so we just had Aunt Libby, Uncle Matt and cousins Makayla and Walker over for dinner.  We had planned on letting all the kids swim and do the slip and slide but a huge thunderstorm foiled our plans!

Benjamin had so much fun with the sprinkler!
The slip n' slide was a little harder for him to figure out, he just kinda hopped down it on his knees.
Noah on the other hand had no problem with it!

After a yummy dinner of hamburgers and brauts(which I had to grill in the rain!) we had Benjamin's favorite desert, chocolate chip bundt cake.
Every three year old should have chocolate chip bundt cake, its the bomb!
Holy bundt cake batman, what happened to her?

No 3 year birthday is complete without playing superhero dress up.  Uh, Spidey?  I think you might need your suit tailored!

Benjamin, I love you sweet boy.  You make me belly laugh every day, you make everyone smile and you are just about the cutest thing ever.  I am so blessed to be your momma.  Happy Birthday Benjamin Bear!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Super Mom

Its official, I should win mother of the year.  Not so much.  Today for breakfast Benjamin had fruit treats and chocolate milk for breakfast, Ella had popcorn puffy cheetos, and I had chocolate cake.  At least Noah had cheerios, one out of four isn't bad right?  I used to scoff at those people who let their kids have ice cream for breakfast and vowed that would never be me.  My apologies for the judgment people.  Seriously folks, I am exhausted and there is no food in our house, so off to the store I go.  With 3 kids in tow, no less.  Pray for me people, pray hard.


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