Ollie, kick flip, nose slide, tail slide, frontside pop shuvit, varial heelflip, these and many more are words that would have been a foreign language to me 5 years ago! Now these words are spoken in my house daily. Why, you might ask? Simple. I have a skater. And let me tell you, dude, he is sick, and not sketchy at all! (In average person speak, that means he's pretty awesome!)
This is a bowl, they are pretty intimidating and Noah didn't want to try it, he kept saying, "I'm not a vert skater", but once we convinced him to try, he loved it and did a really good job.
On the way home he was talking to us about how happy skating makes him, and that is why whenever we go somewhere we try to find a skatepark, it is a great outlet for Noah, he loves it, and we really enjoy watching him. This skatepark is PennValley, it was designed by pro skaters and was built by California Skateparks. He said it was the smoothest park he had ever skated. So, even though I never thought I'd have a skater dude for a son, I love it, because he loves it, and I love him!
1 day ago