4:30pm - Chad gets home, we hurry up and get the kids dressed, and take pictures of them on the steps, I almost pass out because Benjamin will not sit, and almost nose dives off the steps, like 20 times.

My kids adore Cindy, although Benjamin was not to sure about Hippy Chic Cindy!

Watch out Cindy, don't get bit!

5:45pm - After leaving Cindy's we head for Grandpa's, Noah is driving us crazy about trick or treating, and so we try some houses in Dad's neighborhood, no one is home, do people not know its Halloween? My kids are bursting to shout "trick or treat". At least Noah is.

We walked up and down the street, but no one was home. One guy told us he wasn't open!

6:00pm - We head to Noah's dad's, but make a quick stop at McDonald's, so Noah can have some dinner, did I say quick? What I meant to say was excruciatingly SLLOOOOOWWWWWW. We sat in the drive thru for 20 minutes, finally we just left. Luckily Noah's step mom ordered pizza, I kissed Noah goodbye, told him to have a fabulous time, and off Chad, Benjamin and I went to find some kind of food, we were all starving. Here is how the conversation between me and my husband went.
Chad - Where can we eat?
Me - Well, McDonald's is cheap.
Chad - Where else is cheap, I don't want McDonald's.
Me - I don't want it either, but its the only place where we can eat for a buck a piece!
Chad - What about Arby's?
Me - Arby's is fine.
Me - Taco Bell has a good value menu.
Me - Are we going to Taco Bell?
Chad - I guess we are. I'd rather go to Chipotle.
Long pause.......................................
Me - Then let's go to Chipotle, I have some cleaning money that we can use.
So, we pull into Chipotle, get out and are walking into the store when this guy comes up to us and asks if we have our foil. What???? I thought he was crazy or drunk or something. But then I look at everyone in the Chipotle and they all have foil on or are wrapped up in it. Then some guy hand me a tie made out of foil and Chad a foil hat. Apparently they are giving free food to anyone with foil. Praise God, free food! How cool is that? Two burritos and tacos for the bambino and they were all free! I love it!
7:30pm - Trick or treating in the neighborhood and meeting out awesome wonderful neighbors!

8:00pm - Benjamin tastes his first chocolate candy bar.

Benjamin and all his loot!

Benjamin's 1st kit kat, it was love at first bite!

9:30pm, Noah's dad brings him home, with more candy than I care to think about.
I get Noah in the tub, scrub the vampire blood off, and get him to bed.
11:00pm - Chad and I fall into bed, exhausted, but so blessed.
The next morning we had a garage sale, why do we punish ourselves so?
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