Monday, December 1, 2008

Nothing in particular...

I have nothing exciting to share with everyone. I just haven't put up a new post in a looooonnnnggg time!

We have 4 more weeks until Ella is here, and boy am I ready! I have really tried to relish this pregnancy since it will be my last one, but lately I have just been wishing it was all over. I have been incredibly uncomfortable and utterly exhausted, which makes sense, considering that my 18 month old is a terror! He has got to be one of the naughtiest children I have ever met. I tried to clean Noah's room today, but everything I picked up, Benjamin took out, took apart, or stomped on. I gave up and will try again when Chad gets home tonight! We also are putting up our Christmas tree tonight, so maybe that will generate another post, one a little more interesting than this one, and it might have pretty pictures too! Until then my friends......


Anonymous said...

Oh Candy, I'm sorry Benjamin is such a stinker for you! He's a bad egg. ;)

I nominated you for an award! Check out my blog and figure out what to do.

love ya girl!

traci said...

hi candy. cute blog you have. even cuter little boys. and your adding a little girl in a few weeks, how exciting. i wish i could offer words of wisdom on your little terror (your words not mine, lol), but it has been way too long since i was in that stage. just enjoy him. he'll be out of it soon.


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