Did you know that Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the man who discovered Pluto, was from Burdet, Kansas? I didn't either until 3 weeks ago when we found out that Noah was going to be playing him in his school play. It was a play about famous Kansans, and my Noah was the doc, and he was so stinkin cute!! Last year when he was in Kindergarten his class did a play on the book the Kissing Hand, and Noah was a fox, which was equally cute, but once on stage my son looked like he would rather have his kidneys removed than be in a play. Once it was his turn to say his lines, I actually thought he was going to pass out! This year was a whole new story! He was confident, calm, and FANTASTIC! I am so proud of my sweet boy.

How handsome is he!!!! I know that you were SO proud!!!!
Ruth Ann
Thanks Ruth Ann, he was so stinkin cute!
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