I hate Walmart. WITH. A. PASSION. But, due to the lackluster economy, I am stuck shopping at the Evil Empire. There are 3 reasons that I hate Walmart, actually there are many, but these are the 3 big ones. 1) I used to work for Target, love Target and therefore will always be loyal to Target. 2) I disagree with Walmarts' corporate stategies, policies, what have you. 3) I can't stand the stores themselves, they are messy, dirty, and never have what I need in stock. I think you get the picture.
So last night I am shopping at Walmart, and by golly, they just had to add fuel to my hatred flame. It all started when I went to the restroom. I use the restrooms in the back of the store because they are the least disgusting. I had not picked up anything yet, so I left my empty cart close by and went in. As I was in there someone else came in, I did not see her face. I washed my hands and walked out, when I see my cart with a rather LARGE 10 to 12 year old boy in it. I stop and look around, maybe my cart got pushed out of the way or something. The kid glances at me nervously. I look at him, taking up the entire cart, its quite disturbing how out of place he looks. "Was this cart sitting right here when you got in it?" I ask him. He is getting really nervous now. "This is my mom's cart", he says. "Right, sure, but was this cart sitting HERE, when you got in it" I ask again. Scared look, "This is my mom's cart".
Oh my gosh. Really? What kind of person puts their kid in a cart to steal it from someone? Really? I was floored. I walked back to the front of the store to get a new cart.
Ok, now I'm annoyed, but not mad, yet. Then I get all my shopping done, and again because of our beautiful economy, I use lots and lots of coupons. After the girl rings me up I hand her my coupons. She takes them, and examines them, holds them up to the light, brings them close to her nose, she all but runs them through an exray. She literally spends 60 seconds examining each one. And I had a lot of coupons. Then with no explanation, she tells me she has to ask her manager a question. She is gone for 5 minutes. Then she and her fabulous manager come back, and HE begins the scrutiny of the coupons. Really?
He then tells me that he can not take my Velvetta coupon. I say that is fine, then I do not want it, and begin to look for it so I can give it back. He stops me and says that it is ok, he will eat the cost. Really? These were all manufactures coupons. The last time I checked, it was not against Walmarts policies to take coupons.
I am done. I cannot even begin to remember a posistive shopping experience in that God forsaken store. Shame on you Walmart, shame on you for making me feel like I was trying to rip you off for using coupons. And shame on you for making coupon using difficult in this economy when so much of us need to save a little, espcially when you are one of the few companies whose stock is rising.
And for the lady who stole my cart, all I can say is..................Really?
3 hours ago
haha I hate wal-mart too! I enjoyed your blog and will be back!
coupons are getting really tricky. I was so mad at Dillons the other night I couldn't even talk about it. The man at the self check check point made me go to customer service and berated me in front of a bunch of customers. He said my stuff was fake. I told him to forget the whole thing and to stick it. Yep, I did.
Awesome. I wish I would have told the Walmart guy to stick it as well!
I absolutely agree with your assessment of Wal-Mart...a nasty, necessary evil.
I loathe Wal-Mart too. They're just to big, and they always mess up my ticket at check-out. Have you tried Aldi's??
There is something particulary disgusting about the Topeka Wal-Marts too... Good for you taking a hit for the team though, and saving your family money. You're a good wife/mama!!
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