Ok, here's the thing. I am needing some serious big time changes to happen in my life soon. If something doesn't change soon, I just might lose my mind, and since so many count on me, (my 3 kids and my husband) that might not be such a good thing. One thing that needs to change is the state of my house, its ridiculous. So, starting tomorrow I am embarking on 1 of 2 challenges for this month. The first is 31 Days To Clean, which is a series from Sarah at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee. It is my prayer that through this series I will prioritize and focus on my home, so that it can be a clean, organized sanctuary for my family to come home to each day. I encourage every one to check out this series and join me!
The second challenge or commitment I am making is concerning my marriage. For the next 30 days I am making a commitment to be nothing but an encouragement to my husband. And since tomorrow is his birthday, I couldn't think of a better time to start. If you want to take this adventure, go check out the 30 Day Encouragement Challenge for Wives.
I am excited about both of these commitments, but I also am a wee bit worried, because I tend to start things, and then about 1/2 way through, run out of steam and give up. These two things are so important to me and I really want to see these challenges to the end. So, please, those of you who know me, and even if you don't, I ask that you pray for me and even ask me how I'm doing. Its my goal to blog about it frequently! I also encourage you all to take one or both of the challenges with me, after all the result will be a happy hubby, and a clean house, those are both winners in my book!
3 hours ago
I like that house cleaning challenge. I think I shall try that too and take advantage of my joblessness!! Is that a word? Spell check seems to think so.
I seemed to have lost complete control of my house with baby #3...
Great ideas, Candy--I'm going to check them out. Praying for you to experience Christ's victory in your life in these areas...
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