Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Princess Ella

On December 29th, 2008, my sweet princess, Ella Noelle Graber was born.  We were scheduled to go into the hospital at 4:00 pm for a c-section.  Little did we know Ella had other plans.  True to her personality, she wanted to do things her way, and at 4 AM, that morning, my water broke and I soon began having contractions!  We headed to the hospital and just a couple hours later, Ella was born.  She was beautiful and I was thrilled to have a little girl!

Now, a year has past, way too quickly for my liking.  Here is my sweet, mischievous, and darling princess!

Happy Birthday you sweet baby.  Mama loves you more than you know.


Anonymous said...

oh i love that ella bella bean! (and i love her momma too!)

Dionna said...

oh my goodness she is so sweet! happy birth day to both of you :)


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