Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 1 of moving.

I am sitting in what will soon be my unborn daughters room at our new house. Every part of me hurts and I think I could fall asleep sitting in this very uncomfortable office chair. (while I was typing the door bell rang and the cable guy dropped in to hook up the Tv, then of course I started to spackle, why can't I just sit and rest like I need to!)
So, I think there are some things that the Lord is trying to teach me through out this whole experience and I just wanted to share.

1. Humility - He is totally humbling me by allowing us to move into a house that is less than ideal for me, but so much better for our family.
2. I can't do it all by myself - As much as I would like, I can't do any of this without the help of my wonderful husband, family and amazing friends. We have been so blessed by our friends, Cindy, Jean, Tonya, and Amber who have come over and helped pack and paint. I can't imaging how we would have done it without you all. We have more friends coming to help us move, it just amazes me how selfless everyone is, I love it!
3. Patience - I have had to have an immense amount of patience with my husband, my kids, the cable guy, our current landlord, etc, etc, etc...... I have failed miserably in this area throughout the past 4 weeks, thank you Jesus for your forgiveness and for the grace shown to me by my loved ones!
4. Moving is hard on little ones - Both boys are so tuckered out and confused by all that is going on, I will be so glad once we are settled and they can get back with their regular routine!
5. Toddlers will spill paint buckets if they sit to close to them - enough said.
6. You eat a lot of crappy food when you are moving - the pizza that we had for lunch is giving me terrible indigestion right now!

Anyway, I am happy that the Lord is using this as a growing experience, I hope I get what He wants me to get out of it!

Well, the cable guy is calling.......


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry sweet friend! I'll be praying! I'm proud of you for realizing God is trying to teach you something through all this. It usually takes me quite a few run-throughs before I get it.

love ya girl!

Cindy Lou said...

I'm so sorry I'll miss the official "moving in" this weekend. You can be assured my prayers will be with you while I'm in OKC. You and I both have been stretched these past few weeks. God has amazing things in store for both of us. I can't wait for the day when we laugh together over a cup of coffee about how silly we were to be worried about how things would work out! God is GOOD! and I love you to pieces!


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