I met my friend Tonya almost 7 years ago, when Noah was just a month old. She came up to me in church and introduced herself. At that time I was on maternity leave and Tonya was a stay at home mom, and we ended up only living a few blocks away. I would go over to her house and sit and talk the afternoons away, we instantly connected. Not very long after, her and her husband Rich invited me over to a Super Bowl party at their house for their Sunday School. It was that night that I met Sara and Jean, and my life hasn't been the same since. The 4 of us have been friends since that night, and I can't imagine my life without one of these precious women. In the past seven years we have been through many trials, losses and many many joys and laughter. We have prayed with each other when we have been hurting, cried with each other when the world seemed to be crumbling, and laughed so hard that we almost peed our pants. We discovered this weekend that we all have very distinct personalities.
If our group had to have a leader, I think that would fall to our sweet Jean. She is our solid rock, she is intelligent, successful, and always a hoot to be around. She has a heart of gold, is the most loyal person I know, and is kind to everyone, no matter what. Jean is always the life of the party, things are never dull with her around!
Then there's Tonya, our fun loving girl! Tonya is also a blast, and when Jean and her get together, a good time is going to be had! She is so tenderhearted, I know that if I ever need to talk that Tonya will be there to lend and ear and a shoulder to cry on. She gives great hugs, and is one of the most talented people I know. She is incredibly strong, and very dependable, she will always come through for her friends.
And last, but definitely not least, is our wonderful Sara. Sara is amazing. I have watched Sara over that past 7 years grow in so many ways, she is very wise and loves the Lord with all her heart. She is an extremely dedicated wife and mother, and would give all of herself to help others. She is beautiful and full of grace, I want to be Sara when I grow up! Sara has blessed my life in so many ways, she has comforted me through some ugly dark times, and she has loved my Noah like he was her own son. Sara is the most selfless person I know.
So, my sweet friends, if you are reading this, please know I love you all so very much, and I am so glad that the Lord has put us all in each others lives. I am looking forward to the next 20-30 years of friendship!
I am at work for Pete's sake. Why do you have to make me cry!
Thanks for the kind words.
That's great that you guys got to go to Wichita. I'm glad you had a great time!
You're so sweet! I had an awesome time! Love ya girl!
It took me a day to find out how to leave a comment. In addition to all those kind words about Sara, that by the way were mostly untrue, you should have said she is exceptionally electronically challenged! You should have also said that one of the brightest spots in her life is filled by those three women -- and they have totally changed who she is since she met them all! I love you guys!
How wonderful! Sounds like you have wonderful girlfriends!
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