Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dove Chocolates

You know what I think would be a fun job? The person who writes and selects the quotes inside the Dove Chocolate wrappers. Here are a few for example.

"Seek out small indulgences for yourself"

"Count your blessings not your worries"

"Think of everyday as a Sunday"

and my all time favorite.......

"Go ahead, have another :)"

Ok, so now you know I consumed 4 Dove chocolates, and I am supposed to be dieting, but let me just say it has been a chocolate consuming kind of day.

Its been one of those days where I question my mothering skills. One of those days where I question why I don't drink. One of those days where I fail my diet miserably.

I think I will have another. Tomorrow is a new day.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Please have one for me. I love chocolate!! I have enjoyed my visit here at your blog. Your kids are adorable.


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