Monday, April 6, 2009

My quest for the perfect easter dress.

I waited a long time to get my baby girl, 33 years to be exact. There are many things I love about having a girl, one of those is the fact that she wears dresses. One thing that I always remember my mom doing, a tradition of ours, was getting my Easter dress. So, this being Ella's first Easter, I wanted something special, pretty, poufy and perfect. I started my quest about 3 weeks ago. I have been to Kohls, Target, Gordmans, Childrens Place, The Gap, Gymboree, Macys, Burlington and Babies R Us. Nothing, nada, neicht, zilch. Tonight I decided to go back to the mall, even though I had been there before and found nothing. I walked into Macys and spotted a pretty, simple pink dress on the clearance rack, it was on sale, it was sweet, it would work. I asked the sales girl to hold it and moved on. I walked to Burlington Coat Factory, blech, horrible dresses. next, Gymboree, love the clothes in this store, do not love the prices, so I was super excited when I found a pretty little pink dress on sale with an additional 20 percent off! Jackpot? No, upon further inspection the dress looked like it had been returned, not what my little princess would be wearing. I proceeded on to Childrens Place, horrible colors, to bright, not dainty enough, next stop the Gap, where I fell in love with the most precious dress, but once I bought the dress and sweater that went with it, I would have been in serious hot water with the hubster. So, begrudgingly, I left the pretty perfect dress at the Gap, and started my way back to Macys. Then I cruised past JC Pennys and decided to look in there, while walking in I prayed that there would be a dress that I loved and that it would be on sale. Then I saw it, a dress I loved, it was perfect. But not Ella's size. COME ON! I bought it anyway and prayed all the way home, that it would fit. It did, thank you Jesus! Did I mention, it was on sale???!!!!! Look for pictures of my sweet princess soon!

1 comment:

Gail said...

Can't wait to see pictures of it. I want my sarah to have the perfect Easter dress, too, but I think we may just have her wear a dress from a wedding she was in last summer. Not new, but still very sweet! I love your blog!


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